With Amateur / Ham Radio there is always a new and upcoming communication method. Even infighting with in operators which calls splinter networks to form. As a keeper I am spoiled for choice with a few of the networks. All connected well in the sense of ways to access them but not interconnected with each other. The choice of having all 4 nodes on the same network vs splitting the network became hard. In the end I picked to have MB7IMS on the Freedom Network and MB7AMS on Freestar. This means two pairs of nodes on each. It helped to ensure a great coverage from both networks.
For me it is about choice. I am not loyal to one or the other. Both have great talks on them by fellow hams. Both connect the world. Sometimes I do feel like I should pick one and that is it. However speaking with others locally the choice is good. I know that MB7AMS is only on at night time but this is when I noticed traffic is connected better. There is more activity.
If a new network appeared I would need to make a choice and review. However If a network became less busy / Ethics came in to question I would look to review.
I am however always open for new ideas and networks. Drop a email to keeper@efsc.co.uk